🩷 How I found my husband Ray 🩷

Jul 30, 2024 | 0 comments

It was 2013, and my two girlfriends and I had plans to go to Bike Fest in downtown Raleigh, NC.

Here is the breakdown:

One of my friends was “seeing” the drummer of a cover band for Motley Crue called Mostly Crue lol 

The streets were blocked off for this event and it was filled with vendors from tattoo artists to food trucks. 

I was on the sidewalk with my friends in front of a bar. Ray (not my husband yet) was standing in front of the band where they were playing. We were right across from each other. 

He looked over at me and lowered his black sunglasses & smiled. I looked at him and in that very moment and thought “Who is this weirdo looking at.” 

We locked eyes and the intense energy was on. 

Later that day, my girlfriends and I had to use the restroom, so we went into that bar we were sitting in front of, and guess who was already in the bar? 

Yes! Ray was. I had to walk right by him to get to the restroom.

So, in his extraordinarily strong Boston accent, he stopped me and asked me “Do you have a boyfriend?”

I replied, “You talk funny.” 

This was the beginning of a FRIENDSHIP Only for the next year and a half. 

My energy was shifting,

and I was tired of getting breadcrumbs from men. I was ready for a relationship. 

I was ready to settle down again and have my best friend, my lover, my life partner.

So, I took my time with Ray. I didn’t sleep with him right away (like I did with other men) 

We developed a friendship, and I was so comfortable around him. He respected me. He opens doors for me (still to this day) 

And the BIGGEST Turn on about him was……he never said an ill word about his ex-wife, Donna


I respected that.

This is one of the things I was asking the universe for. A man that didn’t hate his ex-wife or talk crap about her because that is a RED FLAG!

We established a friendship before we slept together. And there was NO PRESSURE from him. 

We were dating for over FOUR MONTHS before we slept together. 

You read that right! 4 months. 

After that, things moved fast. I moved in. We got engaged and married EXACTLY THREE YEARS AGO TODAY!! 

Here’s the timing in case you were wondering:

  • In 2013 we met & started a friendship.
  • 2015 in January we started to date exclusively. We waited for sex until it was right for us. 
  • 2017 Dec 31st Ray proposed to me on a beautiful Florida beach- after asking my 75-year-old father for permission to ask my hand in marriage. 
  • 2020 June 20th we got MARRIED on a gorgeous North Carolina beach surrounded by 100 of our friends and family. (I even had a few clients there too) 

What I want you to know is that if I can do this, you can, too.

But I want to give you a shortcut. 

That shortcut is setting up a Heal Your Heart Session with me.

This Heal Your Heart Session is what allows me to fast-track YOU to the next level so that you can TRUST & LOVE AGAIN! 

So, you might be asking, what is a Heal Your Heart Session? 

If you are READY to get unstuck from narcissistic abuse in relationships, you’re in the right place at the right time, NAME. 

You will walk away from a Heal Your Heart Session with me…

  • A deep understanding of finally attracting TRUE LOVE into your life.
  • A personalized, step-by-step plan you can follow to heal the layers of hurt that keep you stuck attracting narcissistic and abusive relationships repeatedly.
  • The feeling of being supported by someone who “gets it” and knows exactly what you’re going through & knows how to get you to this side of things. 

When you sit with me for a Heal Your Heart session, I will help you sort through the chaos in your mind & mental pressure you are feeling about what to do next- you’ll get efficient words to know how to break through your current situation & move onto a life AFTER narcissism. 

Let’s put you back together. You are whole and complete, I’m here to help you see that.


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