Denise K Is a Renowned Speaker
Denise is available for your CORPORATE Conferences and Workshops to help your employees manage that “jerk” at work for efficiency, increased sales, and quality workdays.

Denise Speaks on a Range of Topics
Denise is available for your next WOMEN’S luncheon or conference too.
It’s Still Domestic Violence
This was a speaking gig I did in Garner, North Carolina for a woman’s monthly luncheon. I spoke about how Domestic Violence and Narcissistic Abuse are very much tied together. And how victims of narcissism tend to not really know what is going on because narcissistic abuse is the silent abuse.

Empower the Woman Within-Stepping into Total Freedom from Abuse.
This was a speaking gig I did in Raleigh, North Carolina for a Women’s Group. The talk was all about my book. It’s a story of perseverance to leave a 22-year narcissistic abusive marriage to the father of my two children. It’s a story of how I left with nothing but a futon couch and an air mattress and rebuilt myself and my life back up to be AMAZING and beyond my wildest dreams!
Manage that “jerk” at work.
This speaking gig was for the corporate employees that deal with a “jerk” at work daily.
In this speech, I shared with them three ways that they can manage that “jerk” at work so that they can now feel calm and confident at work rather than stressed & triggered all day.

Empower the Woman Within
This was a LIVE TAPING on the Dr. Joy Show located in Princeton, New Jersey. The interview was talking about my book and the relatable stories for women who have experienced narcissistic abuse in relationships.
Empower the Woman Within
This is the local news station interview I had with Brian Mims of WRAL (Raleigh’s news station).
We got to talk about my book for three minutes ON AIR! This was exciting and new for me.
After this interview, my husband and I went to the local farmer’s market, and I was recognized by some local people there that had watched my interview that morning. What an HONOR it is to share this type of information and people receiving it with love.