Work With Me

Talk Privately With Denise Kavaliauskas And Create A Winning Mindset For Your High-Conflict Divorce/Custody Case.

Denise’s motto is ‘WIN at Divorcing a Narcissist in a Calm, Confident, and Courageous Way!’

Hire Denise K. For Your High Conflict Divorce/Custody Case.

  • Work with Denise one-to-one via Zoom.
  • Denise will travel to your location for emotional support. 
  • Develop a winning mindset to WIN at Divorce/Custody Case.
  • Learn a different approach to Winning in a High-Conflict court case. 
  • Shift your energy out of fear, scarcity, and doubt to a WINNING mindset. 

This 1:1 coaching program is tailored for women & men who are suffering from Narcissistic Abuse.

My Soul Mate Client is someone who is in these predicaments:



    Ready to start the Divorce process and knows it’s going to be a High-Conflict Divorce.


    Needs to gain or re-gain child custody from your ex. 


    Ready to HEAL from the narcissistic abuse you’ve been in.


    During our time together, you will be shown HOW to shift yourself out of fear, doubt, and scarcity energy to your EMPOWERED energy So That you WIN at Divorcing a Narcissist and WIN your Child Custody Case. 

    Hey there, I am a Certified Personal Empowerment Coach – specializing in Narcissist Abuse Recovery in High-Conflict Divorces and Child Custody Cases since 2016. 

    In a divorce, the narcissist will use these tactics to WIN in the Divorce:

    1. Turn your family & friends against you. 
    2. Blame You for the things they are actually doing. 
    3. Talk crap about you & make you look bad to anyone who’ll listen;
    4. All of a sudden be the “good parent” & train your children to hate you & use your children as pawns. 
    5. Acts like a victim and manipulates the entire Divorce/Custody process; 

    And much much more!

    To WIN at Divorcing a Narcissist to get everything you’re asking for, you need to know:



      How to manage your emotions first and foremost to protect your sanity.


      Remain Calm to effectively communicate during the Divorce process.


      Have unwavering Confidence to bring up narcissistic abuse in the divorce proceedings to get the court/judge and/or mediator to see it.

      Great news! That’s exactly what I teach my clients. 

      I’ve been a Divorce Doula for almost 10 years and I’ve helped TONS of women & men WIN at Divorcing a Narcissist in a Calm, Confident, and Courageous Way! 

      I’m NOT an attorney. But I know how to get my clients EVERYTHING they are asking for from a High-Conflict Divorce/Custody Case. 

      Remember, There are 2 sides to Divorce:


      Emotional Side (Most important)


      Business side.

      I’ve got a PLETHORA of stories of women and men who hired an “Aggressive” family law attorney and LOST everything. 




      What about your emotions? 

      What about the legal abuse? 

      Who’s protecting you in these ways?

      This program is a 1:1 call per week.

      What to Expect

      Targets you’ll HIT by being in this 1:1 program; 

      • Walking through the Divorce and/or Custody process feeling Calm, Confident, & Courageous. 
      • You’ll then walk through the process of rebuilding your Trust muscle so that you no longer second guess yourself or doubt yourself ever again. You will feel confident within yourself to trust your gut again.

      And end the frustration, doubt, and fear you had in the past. You will feel fully supported in this container, unlike anything you’ve ever felt before. 

      • And of course, WIN at High-Conflict Divorce/Custody Case. Close your eyes, take a deep breath & picture yourself on the day this chapter of your life is over with. Feeling at peace with everything now, feeling confident you are safe & secure now. BREATHE in That Confidence & That New You in. 

      That version of you that feels empowered in your life now. Feel that? This is what is 100% possible for you 🩷

      By the end of our time together You’ll know exactly how to manifest anything you desire in life.

      I’ll show you how I created my dream life & how I went from a miserable toxic relationship where I was crying myself to sleep every night to marrying the man of my dreams. 

      I will show you how my clients got results like:

      • Having a “smooth divorce” from her highly conformational husband.
      • She got Everything she asked for in the divorce. 
      • Doubling her income/salary
      • Re-gaining their children BACK from the Toxic ex. 
      • Ended a 10-year-long court battle with Narcissistic ex.
      • Experiencing a PEACEFUL Divorce.

      I’ll show you how in the middle of a pandemic I had my dream wedding on the North Carolina beach with 100 guests. 

      Got an even BIGGER venue with stunning panoramic ocean views at no extra cost from the first venue we picked out & my dream wedding band (when they said it was impossible to get during COVID-19) with double the wedding band and double the diamonds at NO EXTRA charge from the first wedding ring we picked out. 

      Anything is possible for you now. 


      • One 30-minute coaching call every week with me via Zoom, where TOGETHER we will do some laser coaching to clear away all of the toxic thoughts, and beliefs, that you’ve experienced so that you walk through this divorce process feeling Calm, Confident, and Courageous. 
      • You’ll feel deeply held & loved while working through the toxic past you’ve experienced & feel fully supported while getting the massive shifts in your life needed to WIN at Divorcing a Narcissist. 

      You have access to me via the Voxer app and this keeps you on track in the 1:1 program that way…you get to move toward the energy of Calm, Confidence, and Courageous You FASTER than you can imagine. 

      All of my clients share that they feel “Confidence, Knowing I am coming from a place that isn’t challenging or threatening. I feel great and energetic. I feel unstoppable”


      And for BONUS support needed in between our calls, you will have access to me through Voxer Support in between calls so that you’re deeply held, supported & held accountable to your WINNING at Divorcing a Narcissist. 

      So that if you come across any confusion or frustration in between our 1:1 calls you can get the clarity and peace of mind you need right away.

      You will finally…

      • Step out of fear + anxiety into peace and calm
      • Trust yourself  in relationships – quit second-guessing yourself and the guy
      • Deeply love yourself with who you are and where you are at right now 
      • Become your most confident self
      • Finally, WIN at Divorcing a Narcissist and/or High-Conflict Child Custody Case.

      6- months of private 1:1 coaching

      • Four 30-minute calls per month PLUS Voxer support in between the calls.

      This is going to move you fast toward your Divorce/Custody goals so that what you are seeking (ending this chapter of your life) is closer to you now than ever before. 

      9 months of private 1:1 coaching

      Four-30 minute sessions every month. This moves you fast towards your WINNING goals so that what you are seeking WIN at Divorce/Child Custody Case is closer to you now than ever before. 

      12 months of private 1:1 coaching

      Four -30 minute sessions every month. This moves you fast towards your WINNING goals so that what you are seeking (WIN at Divorce/Custody Case) is closer to you now than ever before. 

      Unlimited group coaching calls in my Life After Narcissism membership with LIVE Group Coaching with 1:1 coaching & Q&A in each call.

      We meet 3X a month on the first three Tuesdays of the month. You are coming in at the very special price of $97 a month, cancel anytime, and no contract. 

      Bonus Package Includes

      • 10% CASH Discount for a Pay In Full.
      • You will be included in my private FB group where you will receive uplifting tips and tools only shared with my clients SO THAT you feel 100% supported and surrounded by women & men on the same Divorce journey as you are.
      • Right off the bat- you have access to ALL 12 previous recorded coaching calls in the FB group. 
      •  FREE TICKETS:  to any free or PAID courses that I do. I always give my private clients access to the small courses for that extra support.